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Dec '15

Project Women

The inquiry was also documentary, because it was used referring documents to ambient education and academic management of solid residues, and works. The research was of field, because it collected and it analyzed given referring to the ambient conscience and destination of the resultant solid residues of fishes of shellfish using the questionnaire to get these information. How much to the nature, it is understood that it is applied, therefore generates for the practical application, directed to the solution of specific problems. The questionnaire intended to evaluate the final destination of the shellfish rind and, for consequence, the ambient impact caused by this activity, beyond developing the socioeconmico profile of the pupils. This was elaborated with open questions and of multiple choice, in which they contained eighteen questions, being ten common questions to all, three directed for artess and five for the marisqueiras.

Initially a joint with the responsible coordination for the Project was carried through Women A thousand, in this contact was introduced the thematic one of it searches to be carried through and one cogitated it possibility of the application of questionnaires. The questionnaires had been applied in the classroom, with 37 integrant of the Project Women A thousand, of actual form. It had a fast presentation of the work, beyond clarifications with regard to confidencialidade of the research. Since, this, is of academic matrix and that the pertinent data to the questionnaire had been dealt with only added way, without the identification them participant pupils. 4.

ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION OF the DATA a questionnaire applied with 37 students, who compose a representative sample of integrant of the project Women A thousand, investigated through auto-story, some of its personal, familiar, economic characteristics and social associates to the factors of pollution and protection of the environment. From the data it was generated graphical specifying these parameters. In Table 01 we can visualize the profile socioeconmico of these pupils.

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