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Dec '13

Mental State

Historically, music appeared of the sonorous experiences of the primitive man from its body, that is, of its corporal expressions. In this way, it is possible to associate the elements of musics and its relations with the aspects psicomotores. Fregtman (1988) points and appraises three levels of expressividade; sonorous language – emotion (sounds, silence, tunes, melodies, rhythms); corporal language – motor (gestures, positions, trejeitos, types of movements) and verbal language? cognition it says (it, the letter, the poetry). Being the sonorous-emotional language as the base of all the relation of the individual with the external way, the corporal and cognitiva language if configures from retroalimenta it and the corporal language, in an integrated system of cooperation and perennial evolution. The activities sonorous-musical comedies had favored stimulations sensorial, auditory, rhythmic and meldica, motor perception, language, functions of the attention, memory, fine and global praxia, espacialidade, temporality, corporal project, understanding image and corporal conscience by means of simple exercises of rhythm and melody, as well as practical with musical instruments and corporal movements. The evaluation of the cognitivas and motor functions the cognitivas and motor evaluations are basic instruments in the inquiry of the general state in the aged ones for professionals of the gerontologia and geriatria, therefore are bases of interventions concerning the autonomy, independence, functional capacity and vericao of cognitivo and motor decline.

Currently in Brazil, Mini-Examination of the Mental State is the used instrument more for the cognitiva evaluation, however it is about complex tasks. When considering the comprometimentos of the taken care of ones for the Institution, the application of this evaluation due was concluded that its content and nature, could not be satisfactory, since the majority of the individuals would present already of beginning, difficulties in the performance. Therefore, it would not supply a panorama of the precocious alterations, evolutions and/or alterations in one determined period of time and would not supply given real, how much to the level of cognitivo decline, loss or same profit.

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