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Pictures from REN MANCO


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Jan '10


Analysis of general environment The company we intend to conduct takes place on a political, social and economic determined. POLITICAL ENVIRONMENT: Our legal society will not sponsored by any political party and we will agree if any provision by employees of a union. It acala that we will be a communique autonomous, as the project was carried out from a tender with the department or national government, even supply the product to hospitals in low or middle stratum. The number of people to participate initially in this project are 2, Martha Julieth Castillo Ariza and as analysts and software designers to manage, as the draft is passed, we will begin to call staff to work with us, both in the design area software, programming, administration, staff, taxes etc.Respecto The controversy lies in the collection of an additional tax on foreign computer programs in force since December 2003 when the SII issued a resolution which requires the importer to separately state the value of media (diskette or CD), the value of the license and pay taxes for each of them.The advantage of our project is to be national product by referring to the software because the hardware to be used overseas but that does not make tax creditors mentioned. INFLATION: With this arrangement eliminates the option that existed before where the importer was free to enter the programs as a product, where only the fee paid plus value added tax, VAT, or license, where a tax canceled between 20 and 30 depending on the nature of software. prices of goods and services, measured against purchasing power.It is also defined as the fall in market value or purchasing power of money in a particular economy, which differs from the devaluation, since the latter refers to the fall in the value of the currency of a country in relation to another currency traded in international markets, as the U.S. dollar, the euro or the yen. The existence of inflation means an increase in the price of goods in general.To measure the increase, creating different indices that measure the average growth percentage of a weighted basket of goods depending on the product medir.Se can calculate the inflation rate using the following formula: The controversy lies in the collection of a tax additional foreign computer programs in force since December 2003 when the SII issued a resolution which requires the importer to declare separately the value of media (diskette or CD), the value of the license and pay taxes for each of them.


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