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Dec '09

Laminar and non-geometric

Laminar and non-geometric microliths The laminated microliths occur gradually along the Upper Paleolithic. According to J. Guichard there are certain pieces microlitizaci n indicating that started already in the Gravettian (the “chisels de Noailles ‘and’ Microgravettes” are proof of this) the continuous process, flowering markedly during the Magdalenian (persist, then Epipaleolithic in many traditions, especially circunmerr neas). These microliths, which are slightly larger than the geometric, are manufactured from leaves of flint obtained ad hoc small groups or, rather sheet-depleted nuclei.The collection technique because the support is not very large, may be the percussion or pressure interchangeably (although the pressure is always the best option, being more complicated is the most used). There are three basic types of laminated microliths: The leaf truncated (that is, with one end lower, or both, broken abrupt alterations based) varieties are distinguished by the position of the truncated (oblique, straight, double …) and according shape (convex, concave …). Noted for its special form, the raclettes microlithic “or Lasquite leaves whose edges have been retouched steeply to acquire a subcircular form or report (the cultural indicators raclettes are confusing, since in larger sizes appear throughout the Stone Age) . The crushed leaf edge (with one edge ‘killed’, usually the side, also by abrupt retouch), there are fewer varieties, for example, have all or only a rim shot, if it is right or not. ..

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