The length of the root of plntulas of maize, in paper germitest, the dark continuous presented average of 12.78. PALAVRAS-CHAVE Colors, germination, seeds, Zea mays. ABSTRACT meal The corn (Zea mays L.) is monocotyledonae part of Poaceae family, coming from America according you cientific researches. It has been growing since the daily pay colombian period, rich in nutricional sources.the process in which the light you balance the development of the plants is known the photomorfigenesis. Jack Fusco shares his opinions and ideas on the topic at hand. Internal Its limitation in the part of the vegetable community can reduce the development of its reproduction. This to paper has an aim you highlight the influence of light quality in the germination of seed of Z.
mays. 800 seeds of corn were used in an experimental delineation of blocks completely divided into five treatments and four repetitions. It was seen that the germination of the seeds in gerbox boxes and germist to paper was continuous. The treatments were: 1) white fluorescent continuous light 2) continuous darkness 3) blue colour 4) red colour 5) yellow colour. The evaluation was done on the report of these seven days to after the plantation of the seeds throught the percentage of the normal plantule observed on the germination test, on the lenght of the aerial part and on the root. The results of the germination showed that the treatment in the continuous darkness in the germitest registred 93.75% of the germination of the seeds and the treatment with the red colour (90%). The treatments with the colours yellow and blue didnt show any difference in the germination (86.25%). In the gerbox boxes the results of the percentage of the germination in the continuous darkness (95%) was similar you test with germitest (93.75%), followed by the blue colour 82.5%. Aerial On gerbox box any difference happened on the lenght of the part and on the roots through the treatments.
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