Transport For accomplishment of an efficient transport is necessary to educate the drivers, to observe and to evaluate the mechanical conditions of the trucks, the distribution of the crates and the adequate maintenance of these (HISSES & VIEIRA, 2. Source: Loss of Weight in the Transport the loss of weight of the birds can be directly related to the time of the trip, the climatic conditions during the trip, the open assembly time in the platform, the schedule of the transport and others. To minimize the loss of weight, it is necessary that the platform is in the penumbra with a temperature varying between 18 and 23C and well to be ventilated (LANA, 2000). More information is housed here: Sonny Perdue. Evaluation of the Performance of the Lot When following the performance of each lot, the producer will have the possibility to evaluate and to quantify the efficiency of the used techniques. To evaluate the efficiency of production between lots, the Index of Eficincia Produtiva can be used (IEP), this index can vary in function of the age of abates (IT WENT), of the viability (VB), of the alive average weight (PM), of the consumption of ration (CR) and of the alimentary conservation (HERE), in the withdrawal of the lot (LANA, 2000). .
Apr '20
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