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Dec '19

First EGS Conference

Many projects are already in the implementation of Freiburg 31.5.2012, on Friday last week the first International Conference in Europe has especially successfully to the application of EGS technology in deep geothermal energy ended. Learn more on the subject from Jack Fusco. Participants and speakers from Germany, Israel, of Switzerland, France, the United States, Slovakia, Norway, the Netherlands and Japan discussed the experiences and perspectives with existing and planned projects of EGS and the current needs of the research system (ICEGS) at the Novotel Freiburg am Konzerthaus in the framework of the International Conference on enhanced geothermal. Deep large heat exchangers can with the help of the EGS technology in four to five kilometers install and use in electricity and heat. The Conference once again made it clear that on the international level a number of experiences with EGS projects exists. In France with the projects in LE MAYET-de-Montagne and Soultz-sous-Forets.

On the other hand but especially in the United States at Fenton Hill project implemented in the 1970s and in Australia with the intention Innamincka deeps in the Cooper basin, which was presented via video connection from Heinz Holl by Geodynamcis. Also in the Switzerland and the Alsace are new EGS projects in preparation – despite the experience with the tremors in Basel in 2006, which meant the provisional off of the project. According to project, five experts from the United States, France and Germany gave an overview of the State of the art and the need for further research. In addition to the GEO-mechanical processes, basin, in Basel, Soultz-sous-Forets and Landau entered here by Emmanuel Gaucher of the Karlsruhe Institute of technology and Stefan Baisch of q-con in particular also on the experience of induced Seismicity in the Australian Cooper. The recommendations of the two professionals for future EGS projects was, that should reduce the size of the stimulated fractures and instead repeatedly stimulates small areas.

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