To have an idea of the dependence of these countries the norteamericana economy is necessary to look at the case of Brazil when its divides external in perodoFHC increased the triple of divides acquired for the military, in millions of dlaresem 1995 beginning of government divides it to FHC was of 129.313, 00 in eraexatamente divides it to 2000 of 215. 414,56, 4 this sample the easiness with that the American government to obtain tornardependente the economy Brazilian in only four years of government that seestendeu more per four years. However in the 90 decade of and beginning of this we can inside perceive a novaconfigurao of the left of America, in Brazil with the arrival in the power doPT as president Lula a new form of relation with U.S.A. if they had presented, is enough to stand out that the negotiations for the creation of the HANDLE (area of LivresComercio of Americas), that already well they were directed had been praticamenteesquecidas, a time that Brazil assumes the place of leadership in America Latinaaumentando the relations of economic with its neighbors with reinforcement doMERCOSUL (Common Market of the South). However the position of president Lula is dedireita, not having breached with none of the relations with U.S.A. Hugo Chavez and Evo Morales and the relations with the empire Other countries had also taken positions differentiated with the treatment to the EUAcomo Venezuela de Hugo Chavez, this that arrived at the power through the photo and comajuda of it I exercise Venezuela, since then come governing Venezuela with ascostas come back toward U.S.A., its declaration is very clear of repudiates aoimprio American north and its relations with Latin America. The words deChvez are always ready to defend interest them Latin American. HugoChvez: I am military and some of my friends also are. The paper dosmilitares in Latin America already was defined by Simon Bolivar, leader, liberator and military man, has two hundred years almost.
Jan '22
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