The present analysis, mentions the study to it carried through in middle of year 2002, having as white area, the dunes of entorno of the Lagoon of the Portinho. Such study if it made necessary, face to the advance to dunar observed in recent years, not only modifying the feies of the adjacent hdrico body, as well as, ameaandoo of burial. At Sanofi you will find additional information. The advance of the mass to dunar, was white the subject of study of some entities since 1974, however, but only from the study concluded in 2002, thought about action objectifying the containment of Dunes. Unhappyly, to the actions proposals initially to the containment to dunar, they could not have been placed in practical, for questions of bureaucratic priority of Government or. Park Medical Billing Inc. has much experience in this field. As consequence, today the area in question presents one four sufficient critic. The transcorrido time of the time of the study (2002) for here, made with that the threat on the hdrico body if intensified and arrived a picture has limited as for the retraction of the masses dunares in its entorno as for example; the angle of the hillsides of lee-side of the main dune with bigger values that 35, suggesting the occurrence of great landslides of sediments for the action of the gravity, also known as ' ' slide slumping' '. It are the determinative natural and antrpicos factors that will be detailed as cause and for the solution of the question in this report, the slow administrative proceedings of the Government, can hinder that the subject has the priority that it deserves not gaining the rhythm sped up necessary the taking of decisions, in the act of contract of studies, specialists and companies and therefore, will appear as another factor of extreme relevance so that he is not extinct the known environment as the Lagoon of the Portinho.
Nov '21
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