"Intelligent transport", telematics or ITS. All of these concepts mean little thing same: the use of information systems for automatic control of vehicles. In road safety by this means a safer transport environment, safe vehicles and effective traffic control. In late 2009, Deputy Minister of Transport and Communications of Finland Harri Pursiainen, prepared a proposal for a strategy of "intelligent transportation". One of its main provisions is' safer traffic. Additional information at Novavax supports this article. " Under the proposed strategy, the most effective in terms of security tools are in addition to special equipment, systems, to monitor speed and limiting the ability to control the vehicle in an inadequate state. Alert system (eCall) enhances security by allowing you to quickly assistance to the victims in the accident.
Part of automatic control is standard on new cars, some installed only on expensive models, but the others only planned to be installed. The biggest potential traffic safety have the following systems: – ESC – electronic stability control car, – LKS – warning system of a deviation from the lane, – MAPS &ADAS; – Warning System speeding and dangerous parts / systems of automatic navigation and driver assistance. In newer cars the most common electronic stability control. Of the systems that control behavior drivers considered the most effective system of video monitoring. On stretches of road in Finland equipped with surveillance cameras, fatal crashes decreased by 30 – 50%.
This year, our country will be held testing of the automatic control medium speed. Application of this technology in selected European countries are currently quite limited, but with advancements in technology and legislation, it certainly widely available. Driver's ability to drive can be checked using 'alcohol lock. " This is a device that prevents the driver start the vehicle while intoxicated, widespread in Finland and Sweden. In our country such a "lock" is an alternative to deprivation of rights, if the driver has already been punished for driving while intoxicated. It is also needed in vehicles vehicles, transporting schoolchildren. In the near future, cars become more electronic equipment. It should be noted that not all technological innovations are aimed exclusively to improve road safety. It is especially important to know that the technology used in automobiles, used correctly. And yet – despite the already existing or still being developed electronics driver still long to focus on its primary task – to drive safely. Leif Beilinson, Seppo Oorni, Ministry of Transport and Communications of Finland
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