Topics of issue: The Beijing Olympics kicked off 2008: environment-all in order. Found bacteria that eat cancer causing substances. In the Russian Federation will be the Public Council under Rosprirodnadzor. Scientists have discovered the a small snake on the planet. —- FocusNote Beijing Olympics: the Chinese won in the fight for the environment in the Russian Federation will be the Public Council under Rosprirodnadzor. Ticks in Russia continue to attack. In Rosprirodnadzor cutting guide. In the Seine caught trout, and in the Neva – piranhas.
Beijing 2008 Olympics started: with the environment is all right. Rare 'desert' elephants and wild dogs in Namibia threatened with extinction. Scientists smallest snake discovered on the planet. —- A short review of the major environmental news for the week. —- Found bacteria that eat cancer causing substances Australian scientist has found in soil bacteria that degrade Some of the most harmful substances that cause cancer, are associated with environmental pollution. Professor Meg Mallavarapu, from a group of R & D CRC Care at the University of Southern Australia, said that the bacterium is capable of destroying entire group of chemicals known as BTEX, their link with cancer, nerve damage and a number of other diseases … —- Animal lovers are terrorizing California scientists Two employees of the University of California at Santa Cruz have been attacked by unidentified Saturday. Both victims participated in biomedical studies, including experiments with laboratory animals.
The incidents occurred on Saturday morning. In the house of one of the investigators was thrown Molotov cocktail that caused a fire resulting in burns received by one person. A little later unknown set fire to the car of another officer of the University … —- In the U.S., the company will be able to 'repent' of environmental violations on the Internet U.S. environmental agency has submitted a draft of the website, which company violators of environmental regulations will be able to report on violations of their mistakes. According to the report of the Agency for Environmental Protection (US Environmental Protection Agency – EPA), the company will use an electronic system eDisclosure to independently and voluntarily reported to the agency about abuses, as well as of accidents … —- The full texts of these and other news can be found at in this release, distribution: 309 edition weekly environmental mailing Subscribe to our mailing list to this page. tags:, environment, news, newsletter
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