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Jul '19

Edwin Aldrin Korolev

Although they strengtove themselves to the maximum to hide exactly of the proper Soviet population, they had entered in the Space Race with a irrealista attitude. The capacity to develop, to organize and to support a program to lead men to the Moon were beyond its resources (HARFORD, 1997). While the Soviet ships Voskhod were remained in the soil, in the United States the Gemini ships fortified the image of NASA and its space engineers exercised the techniques that would go to be used during the complex missions to the Moon? how to construct safer ships, as to connect in the space, as to maneuver in orbit? still created new records in the space or broke some of the Soviets? as bigger altitude (for the Gemini-11, with Charles Conrad and Richard Gordon on board), greater time in orbit (14 days for the astronauts Frank Borman and James Lovell in the Gemini-7) and greater permanence it are of the ship (5h30min for the astronaut Edwin Aldrin in the Gemini-12). Other facts also constituam problems for the Soviets. In October of 1964 premi Nikita Krushev was put down and substituted for Leonid Brejnev. Krushev did not understand almost nothing regarding science and of technology but the least existed a friendly relation between it and Sergei Korolev. Brejnev, in turn, was much less receptive and never it had an easy relation between it and Korolev (WHITE, 2003). exactly at the moment where Korolev lost its support politician the United States space program was prepared for a great jump with its Gemini project. With the fall of the communism at the beginning of the decade of 1990, the plans and projects of Korolev for a Soviet mission to the Moon had been to the disposal of the researchers (WHITE, 2003), and what more it surprises to the first sight are its great similarity with the plans of NASA and the fact to have if developed in almost identical way.

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