At the first stage of developing a conceptual design (VC), the second – a working draft (RP). Sketch project called the graphic design of the main idea of the object and prororabotku general conceptual solutions. In the preliminary design includes: a stylistic and volume-spatial solutions building facade designs, scheme construction of the roof, floor plans with options for internal planning and zoning; scheme of arrangement of furniture and equipment. In the sketch project, indicate the size of the total area and the dimensions of the premises, their functionality and how they interact with each other. The composition of conceptual design includes the following documentation: 1.Generalny site plan with indicating the location of the house, garage and other buildings, as well as improvement elements (porches, walkways, garden and orchard, small architectural forms, etc.) on a scale of 1:200 or 1:100 (or 1:500). The scale depends on the size of the land and the degree of elaboration of the project area.
2.Fasady on all four sides, on a scale of 1:100 or 1:50. It is believed that it was better when the drawings executed in color. This may facilitate the perception of the project. 3.Plany floors with an indication of areas at a scale 1:100 or 1:50; 4.Plan roof; 5.Prodolny and cross-section of the main premises, the main entrance and stairs, with the height, scale 1:100 or 1:50. 6.Poyasnitelnaya note which describes the main features of the building used materials and constructive solutions. However, it is difficult to imagine a future construction on the basis of floor plans, plans and sections of the building facades.
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