It is so favoured the increased imports and the displacement of the professional activity in Venezuela. The fact, that in an analysis of what represents for Venezuela its entry to MERCOSUR lately by the Department of international trade of the MSC program in management, mention markets of the University of Carabobo, in your virtual classroom, a participant exhibits its opinion through a brief analysis on weaknesses, strengths, threats and opportunities that are presented below. A Summit was held in 2004 in Paraguay and Venezuela requested its incorporation to MERCOSUR as an associate country. Since they began the attempt to integrate.MERCOSUR this integrated by Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay, and the Andean Community, Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and Venezuela decided to retire in 2006 and today the only thing that remains in effect will be the release programme that will allow the country to continue importing and exporting for five years.Agreement is limited to trade in goods and related topics. Digital Cameras is actively involved in the matter. It does not address related to intellectual property, investment and public procurement.The result was reflected in a document that establishes the immediate deductibility of some products, such as raw materials, but others must wait periods between 6 and 15 years depending on the sectors, as it is the case of the metal, mechanics and automotive industry. Venezuela exported various products to countries of the southern common market without tariffs from August (MERCOSUR), which joined as a partner State.
Venezuela between products that initially come to form part of the portfolio of offerings to MERCOSUR, are derivatives of aluminium, steel, tuna and sardines; should be noted that the goods and services that achieve our country place at the market common are those goods that present a value added, i.e. raw materials processed and the mostly finished. Weaknesses: As a nation will have to go through a process of coupling and adaptation to the MERCOSUR to deepen integration in the field of infrastructure.
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