It was improved in Australia taken for General Ingls Petrie, who possua farms in that country, of came there to Brazil. Characteristics: growth in touceiras with 1,5 – 1,7 m of height, being lesser of what the colonio. It presents colmos and fine leves with yellowish green coloration, the inflorescncia is similar of the colonio, however is lesser, the system to radicular more is developed of what the cv. colonio. Productivity: 10 t/MS/ha/ano. Requirement: adapta in average rainfall 1700 mm enter 650 well, require fertile ground, tolerant dry, develop well in areas with shade, less demanding in fertility of the ground of what the cv.
colonio, presents good reply the fertilization, with good palatabilidade and little tolerance the fire. Chemical composition: 13 – 16% PB MS and DIVMS 63%. Indications: Pastejo and fenao. Restrictions: it presents high susceptibility cigarrinha and lizards. Plantation: kg/ha can be made by seeds with density 10-14 can be used the plantation in changes. 4 Forragicultura and Pastures – IFMG/Bambu Campus – Notes of Lesson CAPIM MASSAI – Panicum maximum – cv. Massai Origin: Hybrid Capim enters Panicum maximum and Panicum infestum, collected in Tanznia – Africa. The EMBRAPA launched to cultivate in 2001.
Characteristics: He is to cultivate of lesser transport between the Panicum, forms touceiras with average height of 0,60 m, presents fine leves, average width of 1 cm with intermediate inflorescncia between pancula and racemo, promotes a good covering of the ground and sprouts again after fast takes away the leaves. Indications: pastejo bovine, ovinos, goat and equine, and fenao. Requirements: in superior precipitation the 700 mm/ano, tolerant the drawn out droughts, demanding in fertility of the ground, tolerates acid ground. Chemical composition: it presents of 9-11% of PB in and the coefficient of digestibilidade between 49 -55% DIVMS. Productivity: ha/ano g promotes profits of average alive weight of 620. Resistance: it is to cultivate of Panicum of bigger resistance to the attack of cigarrinha of the pastures, is tolerant to the fire and pastejo intensive.
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