Marketing is the set of techniques and methods to develop the market. Advertising (in seccioin money manual of advertising);It is one of the marketing tools. John B. Watson spoke with conviction. Marketing knowledge means knowing macroeconomic economy. The systematization and rationalization of marketing will depend on the size of the company. Contact or account executives defend the interests of the customer against the Agency and the Agency against the client, to carry out this is necessary marketing. Marketing techniques are always being applied continuously either rational and systematic or irrational and unsystematic. Marketing known throughout the enterprise, is the accomplice of customers, is the owner of the account. When we refer to account, we refer to the account of the customer, when the customer Announces, he warns.
The Executive account contact, is the representative of the Agency and meets relations between the client and the Agency. Department of Research: requires that members of the University point of view have higher qualifications (work for sociologists, anthropologists, psychologists, etc.). The function is the Agency explain the why and the how of the process psychosocial occurring in the market. Markets are increasingly changing and require an update a day. This is an expensive Department; making that small and medium-sized enterprises lack in that Department. Advertisers say meet people and not use the means of market study. The market is studied quantitatively and qualitatively.
Creative Department: it is the brain of the Agency, it is where they develop advertising messages; Working creatives, copywriters and illustrators. Media Department: develop strategies and plans of media through which they will communicate the campaign (selected, located and they guide the media which is going to transmit messages and their frequency; controlling compliance with the schemes, that the notices are issued integers). The Agency is separate from the departments, but they are interrelated. The Research Department is composed by University students. Marketing encompasses the characterization of the product, the product (the container) policy; the form of distribution, point of sale, price, promotion. It is to develop a market. The market is the amount of people who obtained the product. Briefing: the definition of the product, it is the base information (that want to sell, in that time and quantity). Here you will find how to build commercials, musical phrases for jingles, commercial radio (Podcasts, Spot, Opening); In addition to other sections in central page: sports, computing, health, painting, languages and more, all items of quality checked for your personal and spiritual development.
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