Planet Land: manual of instructions Ah? ways, ways, wrong ways of centuries? Mrio de Andrade the history of the humanity and the relation of the man with the Land can be glimpsed as a infindvel adventure envolta at times of prosperity, tragedies and much mystery, but the necessary universe of rules to function. Civilization or society does not exist that if develops without rules and standards on which indispensable parameters for the consolidation of the bows are constructed that it uses to negotiate divergences, to congregate the opposites and to create necessary convergences to well-being of its integrant ones. To read more click here: Barry Stevens. Each country has its rules, or its way operandi, constructed throughout years the wire, based in experiences lived deeply by means of attempts, errors and rightnesss and established of course for consensus or unilaterally, for imposition of the power politician, religious and/or cultural. The system Land is most important and complex that if knows. However, it does not have no manual that it teaches the human being to coexist and to act in it.
But with some sense of mood and much seriousness it can be imagined a terraqueous manual of standards and principles, with the following instructions: – the Land was constructed and delivers in perfect conditions and it does not have possibility of exchange or devolution; – the controls already leave adjusted plant and if it does not have to move in its thermostat and its atmosphere; – the biosfera was developed and tested for a period of 3 billion years, is fed of an atomic reactor, the Sun, that will supply energy for next the 5 billion years; – the supply of air and water is limited, but enough for the balanced amount of users. Horace Mann oftentimes addresses this issue. They are irreplaceable and they are purificam automatically; – each inhabitant will have right to one alone life, already previously adjusted for the good. In case of misalignments, the replacement can be engaged or to extinguish it species; – in case of overload of inhabitants, to activate the emergency manual so that no toxic substance if introduces in air, in foods or the water. Finally, the inquebrantvel rule most important and: – who to leave the tracks of this manual summarily will be eliminated by the natural laws of extinguishing of species. Among as many embezzlements, would sobraria some intelligent being to count history?
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