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Jun '09

The Uceda was

The Uceda was one of the few conservatives in the party have enjoyed a certain popularity in the political landscape of the twentieth century Argentina, dominated by the confrontation between the Union Civica Radical Social Democrat Populist Party and the Justicialista until its close collaboration with PJ during the government of Carlos Menem led to depletion of its leadership and its gradual disintegration.
The symbol of the original game was UCD, but since 1987, due to legal action initiated by the Christian Democratic Union (detachment of the Christian Democratic Party) agreed to keep its name and change its symbol, the Christian Democratic Union had used previously.
In 1983, the first democratic elections after the end of the Process of National Reorganization, the Uceda won 8.7 of such legislation in the federal capital, a success based on the support of the wealthy and educated classes, especially Buenos Aires. Alvaro Alsogaray engineer came for the first time to Congress. The electorate, restricted but influential, according to authors such as Edward Gibson, brought together skeptical about democracy as an essential means to restore social order and social justice to the objective of flying the remaining matches.
The progressive urbanization and loss of the strong state, based on its handling during the previous decade by the military, encourage the dissemination of ideas between the liberal middle class. However, this increased flow is in an electoral crisis in support of their voters start belonging in part to the entrepreneurial bourgeoisie preferred the maintenance of government support to industry rather than general measures of liberalization that had attracted new voters. The good business relationship with the government of Ra l Alfons n radically diminished interest in political positions as a group in order to Uceda, so the party kept the bulk of their voters in the middle class, even though their leaders were of tables and extracting higher Alsogaray came from a family of wealthy landowners,
Following the success of the presidential elections of 1989, which won 6.87 of the vote in alliance with the Democratic Progressive Party, the identity of the party was waning dramatically. The right turn of Menem’s government summoned the leaders andalusia conservative government. Alsogaray was appointed adviser and related occupations in the state. The result was a loss of credibility of the party before the public, and divorce the personal reputation of its leaders with respect to visibility in favor, eventually, his support base was taken over by the massive Menemite wing PJ.
Party leader, Alvaro Alsogaray was reelected deputy in 1987, 1991 and 1995. In 1989 he was candidate for the presidency. He died in 2005. In the mid-90s the party had lost much of its flow electoral and legislative elections in 1993 won a single seat in the Congress of the German Kammerath by the province of Cordoba.
In 1995, Uceda not present a presidential candidate, received 2.62 of the votes in a ballot headed by Menem made-Ruckauf. Repeat strategy in 1999 to support Eduardo Duhalde, behind the exodus of most of its leaders from the conflict between Alsogaray Bontempo and Hugo, the main operator of the party in the province of Buenos Aires. In 2003, the carry in your ballot Uceda Carlos Saul Menem, and it was thanks to the votes of the party that the former first-term president in the elections on April 27 this year, but then did not come to the second round. In 2007 supported the presidential candidacy of Alberto Rodriguez Saa.
In 2008, a sector of Uceda Capital, headed by Andres Passamonti and supported by Alvaro Alsogaray (h), try to match their liberal causes. Requesting the lifting of the judicial intervention of the District, to reintegrate political activity. Citation needed

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