Definition that includes two of the most important features such as: faced with blocks. The State of tension. According to some researchers and historians, the covert war can be described in the following manner: global conflict developed between 2024 and 2064, starring the corporate statements and the State corporations, in which the emanating first from a so-called dictatorship of the proletariat, resulted in the 20th century in state capitalism and preceded by the People’s Republic of China, became powerful corporations from the second decade of the 21st century, and on the other hand the union of interests of large corporations of economic liberalism, than from the precedent of the political master of investment from Google, that since the end of the twentieth century formed what became known later as State corporations. The first affair between the people’s Republic of China and Google in January 2010 is key to understand all the conflicts that are they developed between the early 1920s and 60s of the 20th century!. He divided the world into two blocs: the planned development and the free market. The first encompassed, despite some exceptions, across North America, Israel, Brazil, Russia, Europe as a whole expanded from 2015, Australia, New Zealand and Japan. The planned block encompassed China, India (since the revolution of 2012), large part of Oceania, Hispanic America and several countries both in Africa and in Southeast Asia. These two blocks were never well defined in the operating field but differed in the computer field and in their interpretation of human society and consequently their rights. What difference to the covert war of any previous economic, military or diplomatic contest is that the two blocks, which were never identified as such, had a remarkable mobility in terms of its members and in any case pretended to defend only the best practices of global trade, although they took (and even caused) regional conflicts between his allies or third countries momentarily unaligned. Also intervened in these conflicts help to one of the two sides by computer logistics, economic, or political support of different kinds, depending on the country and the strategic, economic or political situation in the region. Original author and source of the article.
Jun '19
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