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Posts Tagged ‘psychology’

Sep '19


The reality consisted, for it, in two distinct areas: physical odomnio of material the incorporeal kingdom of the mind. The material has mass, localization in the space and movement. In this kingdom they are the subumanos organisms, that suffer to processes fisiolgicoscomo feeding, digestion, sanguineous circulation, nervous functioning, muscular movements and growth. Already the mind […]

Jul '19

Relationship Interview

The interviews had been recorded and transcribing in the complete one. It fits to stand out that before the collection of the data a test was applied pilot in a nurse who is part of the sample. It is of extreme importance to apply the test pilot, therefore it is when the instrument that will […]

Dec '18

Preconceptions Of Psychologists

– We have preconception with obeso? phrase: ‘ ‘ it is legal more so gordinho’ ‘! Chairs, ratchets, clothes and excessively are made for lean. Already it is said in paying double ticket for fat people in airplanes in U.S.A. A famous player had that to public justify because of its gordurinha! Many people who […]

Apr '17

Formation Of Concepts

In the start, any man is ‘ ‘ papai’ ‘ ; any woman, ‘ ‘ mame’ ‘. She has what generalization is called, that is, identical reaction the similar things. Ball is any round object: orange, apple, etc. A certain hour, however, appears the differentiation, as a note in a melody, points or lines in […]

Dec '13


He just blindly converted into action. Instead of talking about that oppresses them and their conflicts, children are once again portray the way they were treated the important people in my childhood. Unconscious reaction of the teacher on such behavior students due to using a third notion of countertransference. Countertransference – is more or less […]

May '12


1. Mound of Venus. 2.Holm Mars, 3. Hill of the Moon. 4. Holm Jupiter. 5. Hill Saturn. 6. Hill of the Sun. 7. Holm Mercury. 8. Holm Chiron. 9. Holm Pluto. I1. Valley of Neptune, 12. Plain Proserpine. White Moon (Selene) and Black Moon (Lilith) in astrology are not planets stewards of any zodiac signs. […]