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Posts Tagged ‘health’

May '14


call, which already have at a young age under long-lasting pain to suffer. Many of you no longer go to school, withdraw more and more and are ultimately depressed. Only if the pain under control, those affected can attend regularly the school”, says Boris Zernikow (Chief Physician of the German children’s pain Center in dates). […]

May '14

Federal Government

The Federal Government is fighting a battle against malnutrition, as well as against eating disorders treatment options against eating disorders over the health ministries of the countries for years. Both have reached an alarming level in the last twenty years. Almost every second young person not healthy eats and in adults it looks not much […]

Apr '14

Nikotinschock Patches

Here are answered all questions to the Niktotinpflaster nicotine patches and other products to quit can facilitate the exit for nicotine addicts. However, they require a high degree of discipline: who is itself about nicotine patches or other means that brings them to poison, not alongside smoke, as it may result in poisoning. Nausea, sweats, […]

Apr '14

Danish Sports

A recent survey of the Forsa on behalf of technician health insurance shows that now sport muffle the majority of Germans almost half of all workers now spends the workday in a sitting position. Not even every second German driving sports. A comparison of the 2007 study with the current shows that the number of […]