Coaching education in around Heidelberg, Mannheim and Ludwigshafen in almost every advertisement they are now called, the so-called soft skills such as empathy, communication and teamwork, as well as criticism and conflict competence. In particular by managers the ability called for in addition to knowledge, experience and high motivation, social competence to deal with people. However, this ability can be selectively learn? A particularly effective social skills training is a training coach. The coach training opens up a new vocational qualifications and offers, comprehensive training opportunities for those who want to extend their communicative potential. Leadership responsible, she opened another dimension: with the help of coaching tools, this exercise in the art of leadership development-oriented, developing the personal responsibility of the employee. Those who are interested in a training coach (DVNLP) / systemic coach has on 4 September 2012 at 19:30 Opportunity to get a free information event about the in-service NLP Rhein-Neckar, Weinheim, coaching training. The event gives an insight into the various training paths and creates an overview of the integrative coaching tools of NLP coach.
The coach training of Institute NLP Rhein-Neckar combined with systemic and solution-oriented coaching and other methods, such as for example Themenzentrierter interaction (TZI) tools of NLP. The venue is the Thaddenstrasse 14a in Weinheim. To previous registration by phone at (06201) 870697 or requested by E-Mail at. Information on the topic of coaching get interested in and. next starts training as a systemic coach incl. NLP practitioner (DVNLP) on September 12. An NLP practitioner training starts on the 17 October 2012.
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