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Nov '13

European Designers

Natural and environmentally-friendly, practical and durable – these are the requirements for high quality furniture, which is valued around the world. The largest in the Baltic furniture manufacturer – furniture SVA company – justified expectations of consumers can not only measure the amount of turnover or production, but also the recognition in the markets, more demanding and have different furniture vkusom.SBA company is not in vain boasts eco-friendliness and naturalness of their product – when used to make furniture natural veneers of different woods – beech, walnut, oak, cherry, ash, wood pulp, enamel, and environmentally clear varnish, use materials that do not contain formaldehyde. In the manufacture of furniture using only raw materials that have certificates of quality, and the modernization of the production process is preferred technology, appropriate standards of progressive, “clean” production. Shall be reported annually to participate in the International Furniture Exhibition in Milan, Cologne, Stockholm, Moscow, Barntrupe and others. The collection of the SBA furniture to find himself as a lover of modern classics and contemporary minimalist style and ethno. Ability to meet the different needs and tastes of people from different countries is caused not only by the quality of products quality materials and attention to ecology, but also a modern design. Creating new furniture, designed for active people who feel the pulse of life and style, the furniture group SVA works with renowned designers Italy, France, Britain, Sweden and other countries.

His contribution to the emergence of living collections for the company made by German designers Roman Schneider of the design company “S-designteam ‘- he created a collection of furniture for the living room, and Christian Blumenschtein, who worked on the collections of furniture. Collection for the living room and upholstered furniture – the result of collaboration with famous Italian design company “Archirivolto design ‘and its designers Marco Pocci, Claudio Dondoli, Critian Gori. SBA furniture fits for both large and small spaces, because of the collection, you can choose from one of several elements, depending on the different needs of each customer. Thanks to the universal design features and use of furniture can be moved into the hallway, nursery, office or even bedroom. With several modules of the same shelf or in different sizes, you can use them with success in any area of your home. The company “Baltic House ‘offers in Kiev, Ukraine and furniture for home, beds, furniture for the living room and kitchen furniture cabinets, modular wall leading manufacturer of Lithuania:’ SBA Furniture Company ‘.

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