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Pictures from REN MANCO


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Archive for November, 2019

Nov '19

Good Accommodation

Nobody hides that in order to have a good vacation, accommodation is essential and really necessary. People who for some reason come to an accommodation of poor quality surely will have a not very positive experience on your vacation. A person seeking accommodation in Malaga, for example, should take into account what are the options […]

Nov '19


Once upon a time in India, a Maharaja who was reputed to be very wise. It was 100 years old and the event was received with great joy, since everyone wanted to much to the ruler. A big party was organized in the Palace and they were invited to powerful lords of the Kingdom, and […]

Nov '19

Amnesty International

They represent a social movement that should be studied, especially taking into account that the freedoms and social gains are fragile. Who would have thought a few years ago that Guantanamo would exist in one of the world’s oldest democracies?, or China may have as much pernicious foreign influence in Africa or Latin America? Any […]

Nov '19

Improving Technique

This process will allow the muscles from different angles. In the initial position, your elbows should not be much "vylazit" behind his back. Returning arm to his chest, try to raise the elbows to the sides and not take them back, behind his back, or else run the risk of injury to the shoulder joint. […]