We move forward a little more. The central idea of the statement which we have transcribed earlier is that, no matter the circumstance by which we are going through, we are us, and only us, which we decided what will be our response to such circumstances. Not We are determined, nor the environment, situations, nor for any defects (or virtues) of others. In this way we are responsible for the way in which we respond to the stimulus that he demanded our actions. In other words, the fact that make Sun or raining does not alter the quality of people that we are, the fact that my girlfriend or wife I have shouted insulting me in a fit of anger does not change my personal integrity, or if my boss (or employee) behaved as incompetent does not influence on my own performance. No one is responsible for my reactions, that only up to me. Thus, a proactive person recognizes that under any circumstances, you will always have the space where the power is to choose their own responses. At this time we can make the difference between two basic types of people: the proactive and reagents. Reagents Act on impulse, without stopping to think about the consequences of their actions or words, injure others and in so doing hurt himself, but do not support it (although recognise it) because they believe that offering an apology is a sign of weakness. Then, for life, accumulate loads insecurity of sadness, resentment, reproaches, etc. The proactive are the opposite, without being marginalized self-righteous groupers. Moreover, they take the initiative, they say and they do things, but if they fail not be excuse in others or in the circumstances, but they assume the consequence of their facts with value and reflection, rectify them and grow. The story of Viktor E. Frankl. The proactivity principle was ratified by the Austrian psychiatrist Viktor e. Frankl, who lived the horrors of Nazi Germany and lost his entire family, with the exception of a sister. He had been educated in the tradition of Freud that we are determined in any way by our childhood, circumstances, etc. But in concentration camps he found that under the same deplorable circumstance, some decided to behave like animals, while others acted as true Saints. One day, naked in a cold cell, he started to take consciousness of what he called: the last of human freedoms. And he realized that his jailers could remove all circumstantial freedom, but never your personal freedom. He could be seen as an active actor in the situation that viewed, rather than seen as a defenseless victim; then, with the help of a little more memory a little imagination, began to see himself giving classes at the University on the discoveries that had done, thanks to its own experience and the other prisoners of the camps. The fact is not that it is easy to be proactive, but recognize that proactive people act driven by principles that have meditated and internalized, and not based on mere impulsive outbursts.
Jul '21
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