World of Tanks (world of tanks") – is a massively multiplayer online game, totally dedicated to the armored vehicles the middle of the XX century. Players will be able to fight shoulder to shoulder with fans of steel giants from all over the world, defending their claims to world domination tank. The project started on 12.08.2010 and managed to win the love of more than 500 000 players (not to be afraid of the word) a mira.V WOT from America to play The eastern part of Eurasia, and it seems to me the number of players will only uvelichivatsya.Chto really honest, I had been playing this game since the BSA (Closed Beta test). And since the beginning of the release have already passed enough time, many players managed to 'pump' practically all branches of development presented in igre.Mnogie already satiated by this game rushed to sell their accounts, but many want to buy an 'swung' game account of the great game (it was too I like it). As with any online project, did things begin to cases of fraud when buying / selling akkauntov.Kak well to avoid this? In this article I will try, so to speak, to share their opytom.No before that I would like to introduce you to the official position of the administration of the project World of Tanks regarding resale accounts: By itself, the purchase and sale, is formally forbidden, and in fact is not prohibited banned in the near future there will be no administration of the project is not interested in creating from scratch 'black market'. .
May '16
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