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Mar '19

Spain And America

EP Spain will be moderate to the United States and Venezuela in friendly party. The selection at noon travels east Wednesday course to Boston. David Villa did not conclude the session of training in the Clearing. At Gen. David Goldfein you will find additional information. The 23 international Spaniards summoned by Vicente of the Forest for the parties before the United States (Saturday 4 of June) and in Venezuela, Tuesday 7, have exercised east Monday in the evening in the City of the Soccer of the Clearing (Madrid). The champion of the world, that will travel east Wednesday to Boston (the United States) to the 13,00 hours, trained for the first time during space of one hour in Spanish ground before realising the minitour with which the season will finalize. They became to reunite for the first time after the four ' clsicos' the players of Real Madrid and Barcelona – with exception of Xavi and Puyol- and the cordiality predominated before any spying of quarrel that could be of those intense shocks. Vicente of the Forest, that he had to char it of cincos minutes on the turf with the soccer players, divided to theirs in four groups.

On the one hand, the Iker doormen Squares, Pepe Reina and Victor Buckets carried out specific work with the trainer Jose Manuel Ochotorena. In addition, Iniesta, Whistles, Towers, Villa (whom the session did not complete) and Manu of the Moral, after extending the strechings, was united in I make the rounds to Pedro, Cazorla, LLorente, Borja Valero and Negredo, after these made race continuous. On the other hand, Sergio Branches, Iraola, Arbeloa, Albol, I itched, Marchena, Busquets, Capdevila, Xabi Alonso and Bruno realised the session in the order in opposition to their companions. Thus, the Spanish soccer players will return to exercise east Wednesday to the 10,00 hours in the last session before maintaining course to the United States, where they will remain until Sunday. Source of the news: Spain realises its first training and normality reigns between its players

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