PERTAINING TO SCHOOL LIBRARY: The IMPORTANCE OF the READING 1 Olvia Cristina Galera Graduated Pedagogia for the College Anhanguera de Taboo of the Mountain range SP Clinical and Institucional Psicopedagoga for the University Center Adventista of So Paulo UNASP campus 1 SP. Coordinating teacher of the municipal net of olivia_galera@ Is Loureno of Mountain range – SP With quiet and sleepy books in dark the quiet one of the spaces eventually opened, the reading it is not only born, because it makes who it to be born and to exist they are its readers with the mediation of the library educators. The reading of the literature book does not preexist to the reader: it is created by it. (SOUZA; et al, 2009, P. 164) Summary: Since the first lingusticos codes invented by the man, through the produced sounds that had been transformed into graphical signals, the humanity not only decoded, but she started to use it as main tool of communication enters the social environment. Currently this resource is indispensable, therefore the reading and the writing they are gifts actively in the social context.
The child when she initiates the pertaining to school life, brings obtains a luggage, that nor always is armed of support and incentive for the habit to read. In view of this concern it is important to bring for the public school the development of such ability, being despertando the differentiated interest through activities and environments. Words key: Reading, Formation of readers, pertaining to school Library. Abstract: Since the first language codes invented by man, through the sounds that were transformed into signals, not just humanity decoded, but now uses it the social a main communication tool between the environment. Essential Nowadays this resource is because reading and writing ploughs actively present in the social context.
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