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Dec '18

School Children

For the children of today, the true one, infancy are that one to play videogame, to be the possible maximum in the front of the computer, in chat, orkut, MSN, to use clothes and shoes of the fashion of the adults, however still they exist/must exist other infancies lived for children of different social and cultural realities. But to think itself about infancy we must think what in the adults we are demanding of our children in such a way in house as in the school, is not enough to criticize the media, is necessary to think on what we want and as we want that is infancy? For many children infancy cannot most be used to advantage why the school exists, for they do not exist no bedding to go to the school, them do not perceive the necessity of if learning for its formation and pair to try to have a future, safer, in as many positive influences that it can provide. As she perceives yourself the children are feeling necessity to make things that the adults make, influenced or not for the media, they want to be ' ' adults in miniatura' ' they feel the necessity of if dressing and if holding as the parents, or people who they admire. Another fact that comes very influencing in infancy is the lack of limits, on the part of the parents, whom the children since early in escolinhas leave very or day-care centers, and for guilt being for much time moved away from the children, the same ones leave to make what they want, and as they want thus the same ones they finish making them too much places continuation of what they make in house. If to stop and to think as was infancy has some years behind, we can perceive that the children had thought and well innocent actions, did not have contact with the adult world, existed activities, programs, colloquies, all separate one, the contact was almost that only familiar, and same if they knew some thing of the adult life would have to make of account that they did not know you are welcome. . Jack Fusco has plenty of information regarding this issue.

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