Pretty soon the New Year! It is time to reflect on the question "Where in the New Year?". Despite the fact that until December 31, not quite a lot, not all still do not know where they will be in this festival. But most likely, some will go to relatives or friends, while others remain at home. And to celebrate another New Year. It is worth noting that it was "another." Enough not often brought us to celebrate it so that we remember his life. Try it right now remember a couple of their special meetings of the New Year. It is remarkable when you have those memories. And in any case, regardless of whether there is or not, the coming New Year would like to meet as best as possible.
Spend this holiday so as to remember all my life! So how and where to celebrate New Year? The choice of how and where New Year is not an easy exercise. If you omit the type platitudes Olivier, Christmas tree, a TV, it is: go to a cafe or restaurant, go to friends or relatives, but so fun to go somewhere on a trip. Some Russians just go on a journey. After the New Year is a wonderful holiday. In the New Year wish for something … this is not normal. Any adult knows that the story is just simply a fairy tale. And everyone is aware of the no sbytochnost not a fairy tale.
It is not so! Yes, there are no fairies, there are no gnomes and other mythical creatures, but everything else can be! For this just need to travel to any country. Then many will think – in the New Year, it is imperative to fly abroad, where sand or snow. Those countries where there is a lot of new year, but most of them located far away from our country, and the plane tickets of the road. But demand from foreign resorts magnificent New Year is not necessary. Do not celebrate this holiday there as we are accustomed. But the prices … Prices for tours to the New Year during take off prohibitive! Altai! Here's where to go, that's where there is a real Russian New Year. Located a place in the Altai Republic. Gorny Altai – it is extremely beautiful place. Just imagine: around the mountain, covered with snow caps, taiga, frozen lakes and rivers, and you and your friends sitting at the banquet table in a warm, cozy cottage with a fireplace to celebrate the New Year. Foreign tourists say the Altai is very similar in nature to Finland or Sweden. If we compare the experiences of the Altai and Sweden, the Altai Mountains are no worse and probably even better. New Year in the Altai Mountains you will not have to meet one, you organize a lavish celebration, fortunately now rest in Altai Mountains, and is gaining in popularity each season selection of Christmas program is only growing. And if you draw conclusions Altai Mountains is a magical place that is ideally suited for the New Year, Well, that really is cheaper I think you have guessed.
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