TABLE 1. Caricaturas 2. UNEMPLOYMENT CALCULATIONS AND BREAK WORLD RECORDS Source: Drafting CEDLA 3. UNITED STATES PREPARES FOR FIGHT IN CYBERSPACE Source: El Pais / Madrid 4. ECONOMIC CRISIS: IMPLICATIONS FOR GLOBAL PEACE AND STABILITY Source: Maria Luisa Fernandez Hernandez 5. BRAZIL: RE ‘reelection DESPITE LULA Source: Page 12 / Buenos Aires 6. The economic crisis and the Millennium Development MIEDO Source: News of the World Bank 7. BRAZIL: LULA LAUNCHES EDUCATIONAL REVOLUTION Source: El Pais / Madrid 8. Peter the Great
Pedro, the son of the second marriage of Tsar Alexis, was the first to be relegated to the political ground. As various factions of the court struggled to control the throne, Alexis was succeeded by the son from his first marriage, Fyodor III, a sickly boy who died in 1682. As a result of the Revolt Streletski, Peter was made co-tsar with his half brother, Ivan, but the half-sister of Peter, Sofia, held the real power. Her reign as the young Peter was entertained with war games and riding in the German headquarters in Moscow. These experiences led him to an avid interest in military practice of the West, particularly in engineering, artillery, navigation and boat building. In 1691, using troops who had trained during the war games, as I plan to dethrone Sofia. When Ivan V died in 1696, Peter became the sole czar.
War dominated much of the reign of Peter. At first Peter attempted to ensure the southern borders with the Tatars and the Ottoman Empire. Its a strong bells in the sea of Azov failed initially, but after its new board designed by the Navy, Peter was able to capture the important fort of Azov in 1696. To continue the war against the Ottoman Empire, Peter traveled to Europe to seek allies. It was the first tsar to make that trip. Peter visited Brandenburg, the Netherlands (in which, according to one theory, to see their flag, inspired him to make an outline for his own, which would be used until 1914), United Kingdom and the Holy Roman Empire, during its Great call Embassy. Peter learned a lot and lists hundreds of technical specialists. The embassy was short by the attempt to replace Sofia on the throne, but the revolt was crushed by Peter and his followers. As punishment publicly exposed bodies of the participants of the revolt, killed or tortured, to warn others, by which action was called the “Raro”.
Battle of Poltava
Pedro failure in the European Coalition against the Ottoman Empire, but during his travels he found interest in starting a war against Sweden, when a powerful state in Northern Europe. Seeing an opportunity to enter the Baltic Sea, Peter made peace with the Ottoman Empire in 1700 and then attacked the Swedes to their port of Narva on the Gulf of Finland. Although the young King Charles XII was tested with his troops, which crushed the army of Peter. Fortunately for Peter, not Charles XII continued its victory with an offensive and engaged in wars with Poland.
Gulf of Finland
This oversight allowed Peter to build a new army, combining the strengths of their own and the West. When the two leaders met again in Poltava in 1709, Peter defeated Charles. When the latter escaped to Ottoman territory, Pedro went back to war with the Ottoman Empire. Tsar agreed to return the port of Azov to the Ottomans in 1711. The Great Northern War, which in essence was the Battle of Poltava, continued until 1721, when the Swedes decided to sign the Treaty of Nystad. The treaty permitted to retain the territories obtained by Russia: Livonia, Estonia, and Ingria. Through this expansion, Peter acquired a direct link with Western Europe. In celebration, Peter assumed the title of Emperor (”””’ o ‘) and czar of the Great Russian Empire, proclaimed in 1721.
Pedro was the expansion of Russia and its transformation into Empire under some major initiatives. I think the Russian naval forces, reorganized the army by the European system, the government rationally organize and mobilize financing for human resources. Under the reign of Peter the army recruit who was working under conditions of life, including the royal officers, who participated in the work of civil or military. In 1722 Peter introduced the Table of Ranks that determines the position or status of the person in their service to ensure, whether noble or commoner. To common people appeared in the table automatically.
Peter in the reorganization of the government structure could not be less thorough. Replacing the prikazi (bureaucrats) by a collegial body and create a senate to coordinate government policy. The reforms of Peter in the local government had little success, but his changes enabled local government to collect taxes and keep order. As part of reforms to the government, the Church was partially incorporated into the administrative structure of the state. Pedro Patriarchate abolished and replaced it with a collective body, the Sacred Synod, led by a government official.
Pedro tripled the revenue of the state treasury with a moderate amount of taxes.
Jun '09
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