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Jul '15

Pension Fund

How to build a fortune is with the right savings and a clever financing of real estate. Now, why should you put on the high edge still money? Many save to stay financially flexible. Others save to build a fortune. And a growing proportion of the population starting to save again, to to provide will become the subject of retirement the focus of planning for the future. It’s no wonder: now everyone knows that the demographic development lead that fewer and fewer contributors have to finance more and more pensioners.

At that time, the generational contract, which was concluded at the turn of the century, based on completely different principles. The pay-as-you-go principle of the Pension Fund is a system that is not arranged according to economic investment standards, but according to solidarity principles, which were agreed upon long ago. Today’s workers pay not their own pensions for the future but finance the current generation of retirees. The pension system therefore eats a present principle, no Future arrangement. The principle of this system is based, that the next generation paid the pensions of today’s workers. That means nothing else, ensure the retirement security of today paid amounts not switching on the upcoming generation is pulled, but basically. A long time went well this principle, but slowly begins to effect the conversion of the structure of the population.

Experts have calculated that in the year 2040, a contributor must finance a pensioner.The fact is that the usual pension system must be changed and adapted the coming events. And the signals go clearly in the direction of an additional, private retirement plans. Who doesn’t do this, will be delivered in the age of dubious financing of his life evening. Conclusion: Saving is no longer spielfilm, but looking to the future. You can save, as we have seen, in many ways. We come now to a very interesting form of saving: saving on real estate investments the buyer not in the sense he actually runs Years will get a severe inflation or even currency reform.

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