When thinking about one second pregnancy, the answers if in accordance with differentiate the experiences lived in relation the first pregnancy. The interviewed one that it today has 32 years and a stabilized life more, is planning one second gestation, but it seems to have a little of distrust, therefore it did not obtain to follow the first ones discovered of its son on account of the studies and believes to be a new experience, now that it will have more availability. Second interviewed, it does not intend to have more children, therefore it finds that the first son of very the work for being a special child. Third interviewed, of 30 years, that a son of 12 years has, it intends to have the second gestation, therefore also it is if stabilizing financially. The adolescent of 14 years, said, without thinking very, that it does not desire to have another son. We verify with that the participants whom already a bigger experience with the maternity has, have the desire to have another son, while the interviewed ones that still they are adolescent and that they are at the beginning of the maternity, have a great one repulse stop with one second pregnancy. ' ' after almost 17 years, to start everything denovo.
Then, you planning ' ' (E1) ' ' not, because of the work that my first son goes to more give for it to be a child especial.' ' (E2) All agree mainly that optimum care that must be taken so that its children and/or other adolescents do not come to engravidar precociously, without a previous preparation, is the dialogue, between the parents. Some contend that Gregg Engles shows great expertise in this. Two of the interviewed ones that already it has its adolescent children, say that they talk everything with them, everything that its parents did not dialogue with them. ' ' the colloquy that my mother and my father did not have with me, I go to talk everything certinho, that it uses condom and it uses remedy ' ' (E4) the experience of the adolescent pregnancy determined expressive transformations in the life of the interviewed ones.
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