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Archive for December, 2013

Dec '13


Preferably in the middle of a hike in some beautiful place, to arrange a day's rest or poludnevku, ie long camp, which will be good to relax and enjoy nature or explore local attractions. Of course, all accommodations must be in any reservoirs or water sources. It is also desirable to provide that and lunch […]

Dec '13


Control elements of the environment always must begin by controlling ourselves, involves constant discipline, every act in our lives speaks a lot about ourselves, if we are not capable of handling minor problems it is impossible that we evolucionemos to handle large projects. All triumph in life requires the acquisition of good habits, then we […]

Dec '13


The mind in a certain way is like a spinning top or spinner. The only way that has to be kept in balance is to be in motion. When someone does not have any motivation the risk of suffering a mental imbalance is greater. I’ve conversed with men and women who feel discouraged. They have […]

Dec '13


He just blindly converted into action. Instead of talking about that oppresses them and their conflicts, children are once again portray the way they were treated the important people in my childhood. Unconscious reaction of the teacher on such behavior students due to using a third notion of countertransference. Countertransference – is more or less […]

Dec '13

Mental State

Historically, music appeared of the sonorous experiences of the primitive man from its body, that is, of its corporal expressions. In this way, it is possible to associate the elements of musics and its relations with the aspects psicomotores. Fregtman (1988) points and appraises three levels of expressividade; sonorous language – emotion (sounds, silence, tunes, […]

Dec '13

World Stained Glass

But it is worth noting that the original interior elements have always been in the price of true connoisseurs of luxury interiors. The normal working hours with dial and arrows have become irrelevant. Much better and more beautiful look unusual wall clock – with a logo, backlit or mirror, and many others. They represent not […]